Monday, March 26, 2007
Well it's been a great year so far and things are going well. I'm excited about the paintings I'm doing and feel it shows in my work. My latest painting - I'm really excited about, it was one of those ideas I had in my head and felt that I just had to paint it.
It's a turtle in a tidal pool with flowers floating on the water. The idea was to paint something with warm colors and capture the movement of the water - shimmering light reflecting on the bottom of the tidal pool. The images here are of it in process and there is still more work to be done, but it's enough to show you how it is turning out.
I still have to add the color to the flowers and the detail reflections of sky on the waters surface.
I feel so blessed to be doing what I love for a living and to top it off - this painting is already sold and I'm not even done with it. Last Friday a couple saw me working on it and loved it enough already to purchase it. For me that is the icing on the cake.
I love it when creative ideas hit me hard and drive me to get them on canvas. Even though I'm able to continue to create good ideas and concepts for paintings on a regular basis, there is also times when the creative energy is gushing, and the ideas come one after the other. Not just the usual, but epic ideas - next level stuff.
In addition to the creative side, the business side is booming and after six years of pushing hard, the momentum is building and things are coming together at a surprising rate. On top of the success with the galleries I'm in, The Hula Bean Coffee store in Indiana that carries my art prints is doing really well since their opening a few weeks ago and they are selling lots of my art prints there too.
I've been working for years to get myself and my art ready for the big time, and I've had several people involved with directing galleries tell me my work is already there. One of the last steps before approaching galleries on the other islands was to get my giclee printer up, running, and ready for large production. That is done and I'm finally ready to move forward. This year already is, and will continue to be a very exciting year for my art and life.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
1st Quarter 2007 paintings

Here are a few paintings I've finished of late.
"Waipio Valley" 30x40 oil on canvas. This painting of Hi'ilawe falls here on the big island of Hawaii was started last fall right after the earthquake. I just finished it a few weeks ago. This one is so dynamic, especially when well lit.

I've also been added to another gallery, this one is in Okotoks, Alberta Canada. Prestige Fine Art and Framing. If you live in Alberta and can make the trip to Okotos, be sure to visit them and see the collection of my work they carry.
Well, back to painting. Have a great day and be sure to visit me in Hawaii if you come to Kona.