Latest Paintings

Here are my latest paintings. (First Photo courtesy of GemFire Jewelry.)
I just today finished "Geckos in Paradise", a 24x36 inch oil on canvas. It was sold yesterday before I had finished it, to some really nice people who were visiting Kona for the day. It has 5 geckos hidden in the painting on the leaves.
The painting I did before that was a 24x36 oil on canvas also and is titled: "Bird of Paradise 3" and is just the Bird of Paradise flower on a black background.

The painting I finished before that was a 22x30 oil on canvas and is titled:"Lavender Cattleya Trio".
The painting of the beach is a 24x48 and is a oil on canvas and is titled:"Beach at Waikaloa". I finished that one up the first week I moved to my new location.

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